Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wal-Mart Steals Billions From Public Schools ...every 200 employee Wal-Mart store in the U.S. costs federal taxpayers a whopping $420,750 a year

Wal-Mart Steals Billions From Public Schools

Aug 03, 2007 -- Wal-Mart wants you to think you're getting a bargain, but in reality, the store is taking you for the ride of your life and stealing billions from public coffers that should be dedicated to funding our public education system.

The High Cost of Low Prices

* State and local governments have awarded $1 billion in subsidies to Wal-Mart-money that could have been used to fund our struggling public education system or other public services. (Source:
* Taxpayers are forced to contribute billions to health care and public assistance funds every year to cover Wal-Mart employees who are not eligible for the company's insurance plan. California alone spends $86 million each year. (Source: UC Berkeley Study)
* The Walton Family Foundation has donated more than $100 million to private organizations that buy political influence and undermine public education support. (Source:

Our public education system desperately needs more funding. If Wal-Mart ceased stealing from our public coffers and quit donating money to dismantle public schools, perhaps that funding would be available.

What a 200 Employee Wal-Mart Store Costs You

Item Cost to Taxpayers
Low Income Tax Credits/Deductions $125,000
Child Health Programs (Federal Share) $108,000
Title 1 $100,000
Housing Assistance $42,000
Free/Reduced School Lunches $36,000
Low Income Energy Assistance $9,750
Annual Total $420,750

According to a recent Congressional report, every 200 employee Wal-Mart store in the U.S. costs federal taxpayers a whopping $420,750 a year. This does not include the government subsidies given to Wal-Mart or the amount contributed by local/state taxpayers. Wouldn't it be nice if this money could be used to sponsor one school rather than one Wal-Mart store?
In fact, the National Education Association (NEA) charges that the late John Walton provided tens of millions of dollars towards the anti-public education movement and sat on the boards of several major pro-voucher organizations.

Don't let Wal-Mart's advertising fool you. This company is stealing tax dollars from the public education system, and their 'donations' hurt more than they help.

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