We didn't lose 9 million jobs, we have a colossal THIRTY FOUR MILLION unemployed that weren't in 2000 - nine million who lost their job and another twenty-five million who came to (or were born into and reached working age in) the country but never got a job!
This is instantly visible in the labor participation rate:
The BEA's numbers are a fantasy and as such so are claims of "economic recovery." The facts are found in the sales tax receipts and labor participation rate.
The labor force problems are structural - we have exported our goods-producing jobs to China, India and Vietnam, leaving us with Wall Street banksters and Starbucks Baristas - two extremes that have produced a "barbell" economy that is incapable of sustaining the middle-class standard of living given the consumer's debt load - a ratio that on a per-dollar-of-income basis is roughly twice what it was in the early 1980s. In an attempt to sustain this charade beyond 2000 (when it should have collapsed and forced a nasty recession, including the bankruptcy of those banks who had imprudently granted consumer and mortgage loans) the banksters instead extended "all you can eat" credit to anyone who could fog a mirror despite the fact that they were either Starbucks Baristas or, in many cases, weren't even legal US residents and had no lawful right to earn an income in this country with which to pay the debt!
This "worked" for nearly a decade and was responsible for the so-called "economic recovery" and "prosperity" from 2001 - 2007. But like all fantasies that are powered by fraud and deception the math eventually catches up with you. ...
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