Sunday, June 7, 2009

Treasury Toxic Asset Program Rife With Conflicts Of Interest

Treasury Toxic Asset Program Rife With Conflicts Of Interest

The hiring of private firms to provide "independent" advice to both the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest, according to a letter written by the Project on Governmental Oversight (POGO) and delivered to key members of Congress.

It seems that some of those firms will be highly familiar with the assets in question.

According to POGO's letter, the Federal Reserve Board has contracted with four firms to manage its $1.25 trillion program that purchases mortgage-backed securities. One of those firms also works with the New York Fed to manage three companies it set up to absorb toxic assets, known as Maiden Lane, Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III.

The four firms are Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO), BlackRock, Inc., Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and Wellington Management Company, LLP.

In addition, the Treasury Department is expected to approve five private firms to manage what it is calling its "Legacy Securities Program." PIMCO and BlackRock are also on that list.

Legacy appears to be the new term for "toxic." ...

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