Monday, September 7, 2009

Does a College Degree Protect your Career? Unemployment Rate for College Graduates Highest on Record.

Does a College Degree Protect your Career? Unemployment Rate for College Graduates Highest on Record.
With the recent unemployment rate hitting 9.7 percent officially, the wider ranging U-6 rate hit a record of 16.8 percent. The market took the 216,000 job losses as good news but the recession is much deeper than the headlines are showing. ... nother observation in the report that we find is those with college degrees are facing the highest unemployment in two decades since records started being kept.

With college costs going through the roof and in many cases, costing nearly $50,000 a year at private schools many are asking whether some college degrees are even worth pursuing. Or more importantly, potential students are seeking answers regarding value. Let us look at this trend more closely:

college unemployment

You’ll find a curious trend here. Without a doubt, those with a college degree do better in the marketplace. Take a look at the recession in the early 1990s. A college degree seemed to be a better buffer at that time than our current recession. For the first time in record keeping history, the unemployment rate for those with 4-year degrees or higher has passed the 4 percent mark. Keep in mind that in the United States, only one in four has a bachelor’s degree or higher. We tend to think of this group as largely immune but in deep recessionslike this one, a college degree no longer protects you from the fluctuations of the market. ...

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