Monday, November 2, 2009

G-20 Manufacturing: A Look At The Numbers |

G-20 Manufacturing: A Look At The Numbers |

It's fairly common to refer to the world's wealthier nations as industrialized nations, though with the advent of outsourcing and widespread export-oriented development strategies, that term isn't as precise as it used to be. Then even if it were precise, discussions of global economic issues often involve numbers that we're ill-prepared to digest and have little to compare to; all the numbers just sound ridiculously large. This is an attempt to quantify industrialization and break it down for comparison among the 20 largest national economies.
A policy solution focused on boosting wages for the general world population might create enough demand to reverse that trend in declining manufacturing employment. Though in the current recession that seems unlikely. A U.S. Census Bureau report indicates that median U.S. income dropped 3.6 percent from 2007-2008, suggesting that a decline in consumer spending power was in full swing before the financial meltdown and subsequent tightening of the credit markets.
G20 (w/o EU, +Iran) Population* 2008 GDP** 2008 Mfg output** Mfg:Population Mfg:GDP
Germany 82,140,000 3,649,468,713,255 767,173,986,290 9,340 21%
Japan 127,704,000 4,910,691,611,512 1,044,573,591,840 8,180 21%
Italy 59,855,000 2,303,058,798,157 381,043,924,161 6,366 17%
United States 304,060,000 14,096,716,929,022 1,830,682,964,800 6,021 13%
Canada 33,311,000 1,502,198,148,431 195,141,329,938 5,858 13%
United Kingdom 61,399,000 2,666,266,099,179 323,014,231,511 5,261 12%
France 62,048,000 2,856,528,838,542 306,279,105,638 4,936 11%
South Korea 48,607,000 929,123,721,319 230,763,192,037 4,748 25%
Australia 21,374,000 1,016,897,316,528 100,814,383,824 4,717 10%
Mexico 106,350,000 1,081,683,289,858 196,798,970,122 1,850 18%
Russian Federation 141,800,000 1,676,587,800,343 256,176,482,781 1,807 15%
Argentina 39,876,000 333,322,390,163 70,904,305,110 1,778 21%
Turkey 73,914,000 741,448,415,136 117,362,508,155 1,588 16%
Saudi Arabia 24,646,000 467,600,800,000 38,736,800,000 1,572 8%
Brazil 191,972,000 1,595,497,752,838 237,337,404,166 1,236 15%
China~ 1,325,640,000 4,327,024,438,542 1,399,427,894,063 1,056 32%
South Africa 48,687,000 276,445,740,280 46,691,753,078 959 17%
Indonesia 228,249,000 510,779,261,184 139,528,690,939 611 27%
Iran 71,956,000 346,611,390,279 36,510,371,841 507 11%
India 1,139,965,000 1,253,859,848,115 188,135,054,712 165 15%


* - 2008 population data (pdf); World Bank figures
** - 2008 GDP and Manufacturing output in current US dollars; United Nations figures
~ - UN manufacturing data for China isn't separated out from mining and utilities, used a 78% multiplier on the UN-supplied figure.

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