Tuesday, March 2, 2010

States may ban credit checks on job applicants - Democratic Underground

States may ban credit checks on job applicants - Democratic Underground

It's hard enough to find a job in this economy, and now some people are facing another hurdle: Potential employers are holding their credit histories against them.

Sixty percent of employers recently surveyed by the Society for Human Resources Management said they run credit checks on at least some job applicants, compared with 42 percent in a somewhat similar survey in 2006.

Employers say such checks give them valuable information about an applicant's honesty and sense of responsibility. But lawmakers in at least 16 states from South Carolina to Oregon have proposed outlawing most credit checks, saying the practice traps people in debt because their past financial problems prevent them from finding work.


How, indeed, can people ever correct their bad credit if they can't get jobs in the first place because of previous bad credit?

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